Hear from Awarded Schools

Schools who have successfully achieved an Award share their experiences and key learning about identifying and supporting young carers.

Setting up a peer support group for young carers

For this webinar, a panel of both Primary and Secondary schools came together and shared and discussed the different ways their groups are run, how they engage their pupils and provide top tips on setting up your own group.

Identifying and supporting young carers at a Primary school level

In this insightful guest webinar Linda Jackson, Children and Families Co-ordinator from Gold Awarded Tolworth Nursery, Infant and Junior School, discusses the essential strategies they used to engage their younger pupils.

Discover the techniques Tolworth use to raise primary pupils’ awareness of young carers, hear how they identify the support that is needed to be put into place and share good practice and top tips.

Overcoming the barriers to working with hard to reach families

In this informative and essential guest webinar, Gold Awarded Didcot Girls School and Liz Roberts, Senior Young Carer Worker from York Carers Centre, provide an insight and share their top tips on how to engage with young carers and their potentially hard to reach families.

Hear directly from professionals working  to identify and support young carers and discover the free resources available through the Young Carers in Schools programme to help make this as achievable and as manageable as possible.

What does a successful Award application look like? 

In this essential webinar, the charismatic Dave Anderson, Associate Assistant Headteacher, SENCo and Student Learning Support Leader, at Churchill Community College shared with us the key steps he took to apply for the Award, how long it took, his experience of the programme to date and the impacts it has had on his school and the pupils he works with.